YOU just made a contribution to the education and civic development of a Palestinian community!

 Our Thanks!

Your donation to Seraj Library Project will help our Palestinian partners provide library programs in the 12 villages where Seraj is established today. And, our National Storytelling Center contributes to preserving the collective Palestinian tradition and heritage.

We would love to hear what draws you to support Seraj libraries. 

A long-time friend of Seraj, Al Miller in Arrowsic, ME, put it this way:

“I support Seraj because it is a people to people venture; it’s responsive to the real needs of Palestinian villages – and it’s done in consultation with the citizens of those villages.”

Send us an email:

We’ll send you an email that will serve as a record of your tax-deductible gift.  (And a year end summary of all Seraj gifts each January).

We can’t thank you enough for your help with this important project.


        John Cassel, Seraj Treasurer

Here is a video of our newest library located in Birzeit.