Seraj Governance

The Seraj Library Project is governed by two boards of directors, one in Palestine and one in the U.S, who work collegially and cooperatively.  Both are recognized by their respective governments as non-profit agencies, eligible for charitable donations and legally able to pursue their respective missions.  Corporate decisions with respect to the governance and activities of each board are made locally. 

Seraj/Palestine employs an executive director and staff who decide the direction and mission and administer programs in the West Bank. Seraj/Palestine is a community organization directed by Palestinians, for Palestinians and other West Bank residents.  The Seraj Library Project is funded substantially through Seraj/U.S. but Seraj/Palestine also works to secure local and international grants.

Seraj/U.S., once known as Friends of Seraj, has two focus areas: fundraising for Seraj/Palestine and education in the U.S. about the situation in Palestine and the importance of the work of Seraj, including through tours of the West Band. Seraj/U.S. employs no paid staff; all work is done by volunteers.

The Seraj Library Project was founded in 2005.

 Laurie has a Master’s degree in Nonprofit Administration from North Park University and is the Executive Director of Seraj in Palestine. Estephan holds a PhD in Urban Planning and Public Policy from the University of Illinois at Chicago.

The Palestine Board members:

  • Bashar Jumaa

    Board Chair

    Former Chief of Staff to the Palestinian Prime Minister & a member of the Negotiation Support Unit.

  • Ra'id Malki

    Board Vice Chair

    Former head of the Local Aid Coordination Secretariat with many connections to international donors.

  • Emil Makhlouf

    Board Treasurer

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  • Salwa Duaibis

    Board Secretary

    Founder & director of Military Court Watch, an NGO which accompanies Palestinian minors to their court appearances in Israel’s military court.

  • Amanda Khalaf

    Board Member

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  • Maha Awartani

    Board Member

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  • Madees Khoury

    Board Member

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  • Carol Michel

    General Assembly Member

    Public relations and communications expert. Used to work at Riwaq, an organization which restores historical buildings.

  • Dima Bseiso

    General Assembly Member

    Founder & director of the only Reggio Emilio based preschool in Palestine and consultant on early childhood education best practices.

  • Estephan Salameh

    General Assembly Member

    Co-founder of Seraj Library Project and the Advisor to the Palestinian Prime Minister.

  • Rami Asaad

    General Assembly Member

    A financial director with experience in both nonprofit organizations and private corporations.

  • Lujayn Kerish

    General Assembly Member

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The US Board members:

  • Galen Burghardt

    Board Chair

    Financial Research

  • Mai Khader Kakish

    Board Vice Chair

    PR Consultant

  • John Cassel

    Board Treasurer

    Adult Educator

  • Rima Najjar Kapitan

    Board Secretary


  • Pauline Coffman

    Board Nominations

    Adult Educator, Ed.D

  • Case Hoogendoorn

    Board Attorney

    Attorney, Hoogendoorn & Talbot LLP

  • Anne Cordes

    Board Newsletter Editor

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  • Mary Bigelow

    Board Member


  • Diane Fite

    Board Member


  • Tamara Ghattas

    Board Member

    Book editor

  • Margaret Griffiths

    Board Member

    Senior Psychologist

  • Miranda Kharsa

    Board Member

    Public Policy Research

  • Anne Koerber

    Board Member

    Retired Professor Emerta

  • Amelia Miller

    Board Member

    Infant Specialist

  • Senator John Millner

    Board Member

    Former IL State Senator

  • Nasser Nabhan

    Board Member


  • Elisabeth (Libby) Trost

    Board Member


  • Sue Uhlig

    Board Member


  • Martha Witwer

    Board Member

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